Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Coast Guard Announces Dredging Operations in Baltimore Inner Harbor

     Baltimore, Md. -- Mechanical dredging operations are scheduled to occur in the Baltimore Inner Harbor from the western limit of the northwest harbor and the west wall on the Inner Harbor from February 27 until June 11. The dredge will monitor VHF-FM channels 13 and 16. Mariners are cautioned to stay clear of dredge, booster, floating (pontoon) and submerged pipelines, barges, derricks and operating wires associated with dredging and marine construction operations.
     Operators of vessels of all types should be aware that dredges and floating pipelines are held in place by cables, attached to anchors some distance away from the equipment. Buoys are attached to the anchors so that the anchors may be moved as the dredge advances and the location of the submerged pipelines are marked by buoys on each side of the channel.
     Mariners are cautioned to strictly comply with the Inland Rules of the Road when approaching, passing and leaving the area of operations, and remain a safe distance away from the dredge, booster, buoys, cables, pipeline, barges, derricks, wires and related equipment. A NO WAKE transit is requested of all vessels passing the dredge and if necessary to clarify a SAFE PASSAGE contact the dredge on the appropriate VHF-FM channels. Chart: 12281.

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